East Dakota Secession Movement
The East Dakota Secession Movement (EDSM) exists as an effort to awaken the sleeping remnant across rural Minnesota. No longer will we stand idly by as our homes fall further into the purview of tyranny. No longer will we allow the progressive, champagne-socialist class to guide our futures unto ruin. I have but only two questions for you:
- Are you satisfied with the Minnesota government?
- If not, what are you doing about it?
Plato, the great philosopher and foundational thinker of what became Western thought, once said, “One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors”. Are you really going to throw away your children’s futures by continuing to allow tyrants, socialists, and bad actors to rule over you? America was founded on an act of rebellion against such things, how can you allow it to fester beneath the surface, creating a large cancerous cyst which now exists as the D.C. swamp? The US and its people are at a crossroads, and the decision can only be made by individuals at the local level. Do we decentralize our powers, and put more authority in individuals? Or do we double down on the centralized empire, marching towards our inevitable demise?
This is more important here at home in Minnesota, where our children’s futures are being stripped from them, and given to those who wish not to work for their own. They steal our tax dollars to pay for programs which do more harm than good, as such is the nature of government; the incompetent and immoral rise to the top. However, that is only because good men and women have yet to step up to the plate. That is why our movement exists; we need every good man and woman to stand and be counted.
Our movement’s founding declaration is very clear:
We the citizens of the 13 counties of the East Dakota Secession Movement (Kittson, Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Itasca, Cass, Hubbard, Beltrami, Clearwater, Polk, Red Lake, Pennington, Marshall) declare our intent to secede from the failed state of Minnesota.
Minnesota lawmakers have failed in their duty to protect Minnesotans’ private property rights, particularly from themselves. The EDSM exists to combat this tyranny through the use of media campaigns, in-person rallies, advertisement campaigns, congressional testimonies, information dissemination, encouraging citizens to run for office, and most importantly, through the bullying of politicians to shame them into submission to their constituents. This only works if you step up to the plate and join us. Whether you want to support and run as a Republican, or a Libertarian, we ask only that you support us, and we will support you in turn.
The East Dakota Secession Movement is owned by Nick Dugger, former secretary of the Libertarian Party of Minnesota. Currently, the EDSM is established as a single-owner LLC, NOT as a non-profit. This was an intentional decision to avoid the many pitfalls which exist when you are beholden to a board of directors (see Project Veritas). This means that any financial contributions to our organization are NOT tax-deductible, but we will be constantly re-evaluating this decision as we move forward. It may become attractive in the future to move to a non-profit model, once the movement has been better established, and can gate-keep who is appointed to its board.
“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask.
Thomas Jefferson
Act! Action will delineate and define you.”
With sincerity and fervor,

Nick Dugger
EDSM Founder
Former LPMN Secretary